About us

The pur­pose of rese­arch and deve­lop­ment work car­ried out at the Depart­ment is the struc­tu­ral, opti­cal, elec­tri­cal and pho­to­elec­tri­cal cha­rac­te­ri­za­tion of mate­rials and struc­tu­res. Main methods:

TEM — trans­mis­sion elec­tron micro­scopy (inc­lu­ding HRTEM — high reso­lu­tion, and STEM ana­ly­ti­cal tech­ni­ques of TEM), FIB — focu­sed ion beam sys­tem, and SEM — scan­ning elec­tron micro­scopy.

The FIB sys­tem is used for the TEM-samples pre­pa­ra­tion, and also for many pro­ces­ses of micro- and nano-technology: depo­si­tion of metals (Pt, W) and die­lec­trics, as well as milling/etching of mate­rials (inc­lu­ding acce­le­ra­ted etching of die­lec­trics and poly­mers), ena­bling also to form desi­gned pat­terns on a variety of mate­rials.

Uni­que relia­bi­lity tests for up to 20 power trans­i­stors at once (with high vol­ta­ges up to 1500 V, high cur­rents up to 20 A and con­trol­led tem­pe­ra­ture up to 250 ° C).

Elec­tri­cal semi-automatic probe measu­re­ments of high and low power devi­ces (inc­lu­ding tester and sys­tem for impe­dance measu­re­ments at cry­oge­nic tem­pe­ra­tu­res) in the range down to 0.1 fA.

A uni­que sys­tem of pho­to­elec­tric measu­re­ments (mul­ti­ply awar­ded in the Master of Tech­no­logy nation­wide com­pe­ti­tions), as well as mul­ti­spec­tral ellip­so­me­try (inc­lu­ding ellip­so­me­try in vacuum) and Raman spec­tro­sco­pic ana­ly­sis (inc­lu­ding deter­mi­na­tion of local tem­pe­ra­ture and stress).

Par­ti­ci­pa­tion in three Euro­pean Union, other inter­na­tio­nal and many natio­nal pro­jects and in rese­arch com­mis­sio­ned by com­pa­nies and other enti­ties. The stu­dies were publi­shed in hun­dreds of artic­les in scien­ti­fic jour­nals from JCR list and at inter­na­tio­nal con­fe­ren­ces.

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