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Charge transfer phenomena are one of the major factors influencing electrical parameters and reliability of nanoelectronic devices. We measure and analyze the properties of charge traps in nanodevices in terms of trap density and capture cross-section energy distributions, using multiparameter admittance spectroscopy method (MPAS). The MPAS technique consists of graphical analysis of measured nanodevice conductance dispersion signal (Gm/ω), directly related to the density of traps, as a function of surface potential φS (resulting from gate bias voltage VG) and of the inverse of the measuring signal angular frequency ω-1. With the MPAS method it is possible to evaluate the trap capture cross-section σn directly from the conductance dispersion map, as shown in the figure.
Measurements of electrical characteristics
The laboratory also performs standard and custom measurements of I-V, C-V and G-V characteristics of semiconductor devices with ultimate sensitivity and resolution of 0.1 fA / 0.5 μV, using our Agilent B1500A semiconductor device analyzer connected to the Cascade Summit 12k semi-automatic probe station. Based on those characteristics, following parameters can be evaluated, at different temperatures T=(-60–200)°C and signal frequency f = (40Hz – 5MHz): semiconductor substrate doping level or profile NB, flat-band voltage VFB and threshold voltage VT, density energy distributions of interface traps Dit and border traps Nb, and distributions of other trap parameters (time constant τ and capture cross-section σ).
Electrical equivalent circuit identification
It is often necessary in the investigation of nanodevices to identify the electrical equivalent circuit of the nanostructure. Admittance spectroscopy is used in such case in our laboratory, based on Agilent 4294A precision impedance measurements, followed by computer data fitting process.
For electrical measurements customer should agree the sample preparation method.
Contact person:
dr T. Gutt, tgutt@ite.waw.pl
The offer of high tech services complex electrical sample analysis
Interface traps mapping
Charge transfer phenomena are one of the major factors influencing electrical parameters and reliability of nanoelectronic devices. We measure and analyze the properties of charge traps in nanodevices in terms of trap density and capture cross-section energy distributions, using multiparameter admittance spectroscopy method (MPAS). The MPAS technique consists of graphical analysis of measured nanodevice conductance dispersion signal (Gm/ω), directly related to the density of traps, as a function of surface potential φS (resulting from gate bias voltage VG) and of the inverse of the measuring signal angular frequency ω-1. With the MPAS method it is possible to evaluate the trap capture cross-section σn directly from the conductance dispersion map, as shown in the figure.
Measurements of electrical characteristics
The laboratory also performs standard and custom measurements of I-V, C-V and G-V characteristics of semiconductor devices with ultimate sensitivity and resolution of 0.1 fA / 0.5 μV, using our Agilent B1500A semiconductor device analyzer connected to the Cascade Summit 12k semi-automatic probe station. Based on those characteristics, following parameters can be evaluated, at different temperatures T=(-60–200)°C and signal frequency f = (40Hz – 5MHz): semiconductor substrate doping level or profile NB, flat-band voltage VFB and threshold voltage VT, density energy distributions of interface traps Dit and border traps Nb, and distributions of other trap parameters (time constant τ and capture cross-section σ).
Electrical equivalent circuit identification
It is often necessary in the investigation of nanodevices to identify the electrical equivalent circuit of the nanostructure. Admittance spectroscopy is used in such case in our laboratory, based on Agilent 4294A precision impedance measurements, followed by computer data fitting process.
For electrical measurements customer should agree the sample preparation method.
Contact person:
dr T. Gutt, tgutt@ite.waw.pl
Z10_offer_ele_EN.pdfOur offer includes material and instrument analyzes carried out using TEM, SEM and scanning ion microscopy techniques as well as micro- and nanoprocessing using FIB techniques to modify or characterize materials and instruments.