About us

Depart­ment of Pho­to­nics con­ducts scien­ti­fic rese­arch on inno­va­tive light sour­ces and detec­tors applied in the field of medi­cine, envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion, indu­stry and mili­tary.  A con­si­de­ra­ble part of our acti­vity is focu­sed on semi­con­duc­tor devi­ces ope­ra­ting within near- and mid-infrared spec­tral range.

The rese­arch reali­zed in the depart­ment invo­lves, in par­ti­cu­lar:

  • uni­po­lar quantum-cascade lasers (QCLs) based on AIII — BV struc­tu­res
  • high power disc lasers; opti­cally pum­ped external-cavity lasers (VEC­SELs)
  • antimonide-based type II super­lat­tice pho­to­de­tec­tors

Our R&D staff employs a wide range of advan­ced mate­rial cha­rac­te­ri­sa­tion tech­ni­ques and methods of design, fabri­ca­tion and testing of semi­con­duc­tor devi­ces. The depart­ment has two Mole­cu­lar Beam Epi­taxy (MBE) reac­tors and a fully equ­ip­ped pro­ces­sing line for device assem­bly and pac­ka­ging. Our rese­arch faci­li­ties allows for con­trol­ling and opti­mi­za­tion of each step of the device fabri­ca­tion. Thanks to such a com­pre­hen­sive appro­ach we are able to deve­lop cutting-edge semi­con­duc­tor devi­ces of out­stan­ding per­for­mance and relia­bi­lity.

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