About us

The Divi­sion of Sili­con Micro­sys­tem and Nano­struc­ture Tech­no­logy is loca­ted in Pia­seczno near War­saw. The division’s acti­vity is focu­sed on rese­arch and deve­lop­ment (R&D) in the field of micro­tech­no­logy based on sili­con tech­no­logy and covers a wide range of topics: sili­con pho­to­dio­des and ioni­zing radia­tion detec­tors, ther­mal con­duc­tive detec­tors (TCD), micro­me­cha­ni­cal sen­sors using the phe­no­me­non of mecha­ni­cal reso­nance, micro­flu­idic struc­tu­res and micro-assembly tech­ni­ques.

A team of scien­ti­sts, engi­ne­ers and skil­led tech­ni­cians imple­ments R&D pro­jects star­ting from a con­cept deve­lop­ment, thro­ugh mul­ti­mo­dal com­pu­ter simu­la­tions, selec­tion of opti­mal mate­rials and pro­per tech­no­logy, up to pro­to­type stage of a spe­cia­li­zed device. R&D pro­jects and low volume pro­duc­tion are car­ried out in a cle­an­room (class ISO 4–6) equ­ip­ped with a com­plete set of tools ena­bling the pro­duc­tion of micro- and nano-devices using CMOS/MEMS-based tech­no­logy.

A fle­xi­ble appro­ach, a wide range of pro­ces­ses and a rela­ti­vely low cost of pro­cess runs make the Łukasiewicz-ITE Divi­sion in Pia­seczno an ideal place for the fabri­ca­tion of spe­cia­li­zed micro­sys­tems and detec­tors una­va­ila­ble on the mar­ket. The car­ried out pro­jects are finan­ced both from public funds (NCBiR, NCN and EU pro­grams) as well as com­mer­cial sour­ces (direct orders from enter­pri­ses). In 2019 four major inter­na­tio­nal pro­jects with Lars Light­ning, P.P.U., Med­bryt, Auto­ma­tix, STMi­cro­elec­tro­nics (Italy), and the Natio­nal Insti­tute for Rese­arch and Deve­lop­ment in Micro­tech­no­lo­gies (Roma­nia) were car­ried out. There were also servi­ces pro­vi­ded for com­pa­nies such as Weles Aco­ustics Sp. z o.o., Cen­trum Rozwojowo-Wdrożeniowe Tele­sys­tem Mesko, Elek­tro­me­tal SA, PIK Instru­ments, Przed­się­bior­stwo Projektowo-Wdrożeniowe AWAT, SIRC Sp. z o.o., Vigo Sys­tem S.A, PORT Polish Cen­ter for Tech­no­logy Deve­lop­ment and EXXELIA SAS (France) as well as for rese­arch uni­ver­si­ties e.g. Łódz Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy, Mili­tary Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy in War­saw, Uni­ver­sity of Adam Mic­kie­wicz Uni­ver­sity in Poznań, AGH Uni­ver­sity of Science and Tech­no­logy in Kra­ków, Wro­cław Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy and Sapienza Uni­ver­sity in Rome.

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