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SMD electronic assembly using Pb-free soldering technology

Krakow Division of ITE from few years is involved in activities connected with electronic assembly. The applied research is focused on SMD technology with implementation of Pb-free soldering alloys especially analysis of technological factors influencing on Pb-free solder joints quality, investigation of Sn-Ag-Cu alloy shear strength under influence of environmental conditions, choice of conformal coating lacquers for electronic devices operating in environment with increased humidity and others. Krakow Division cooperate with many SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) providing them technical support and assembling short series of electronic modules on request.

Assembly offer:

  • One and double side SMT assembly,
  • Adhesive and paste dispensing,
  • Reflow soldering in convection oven also with using Pb-free pastes,
  • Complementary THT components manual assembling,
  • Visual inspection,
  • Choice of electronic modules encapsulation methods especially conformal coating protection.
  • 2 high flexible pick & place Quadra placers,
  • Reflow soldering oven SMT 46oC,
  • Semi-automatic stencil screenprinter Speedprint 200
  • Mantis stereo viewer,
  • ThermoFlo Rework System TF 700.<.li> Component size and type:
    • Chip components starting from size 0603 and upper,
    • Cylindrical components like MELF and MINI-MELF,
    • SOT diodes and transistors,
    • Integrated circuits with 1.27 mm (50 mils) pitch up to 30 mm side,
    • PLCC and LCCC IC up to 30 mm,
    • QFP IC with 0.8 mm (31 mils),
    • Trimmers, inductors, and other components up to 30 mm,
    • Aluminium electrolytic capacitors up to 10 mm high.
    • No-clean Alpha Omnix 5000 (62Sn/36Pb/2Ag),
    • No-clean Alpha Omnix 338 (96.5Sn/3Ag/0.5Cu)
    • Etching 150 to 200 µm phosphor bronze
    • Laser 80 to 120 µm stainless steel,
    • For prototypes of PCB screenprinting of solder pastes also available

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