About us

The history of  the Depart­ment of Inte­gra­ted Cir­cu­its and Sys­tems Design starts in begin­ning of 70’s. The expe­rien­ced staff of the Depart­ment  has been play­ing the key role in uni­que R&D cen­ter of the Polish semi­con­duc­tor fac­tory TEWA. Nume­rous ana­log ICs dedi­ca­ted to con­su­mer elec­tro­nics as well as ones for digi­tal equ­ip­ment have been suc­cess­fully deve­lo­ped: desi­gned in the Depart­ment and after that fabri­ca­ted by TEWA. After sys­tem trans­for­ma­tion in Poland, thanks to the Euro­prac­tice pro­gram mem­ber­ship (for­merly: Euro­Chip), it became possi­ble to make inte­gra­ted cir­cu­its (IC) desi­gns using cut­ting edge IC design tech­ni­ques based on the advan­ced EDA-CAD software licen­sed to ITE for edu­ca­tio­nal pur­po­ses. In simi­lar way,  the Depart­ment has gained access to the worl­dwide manu­fac­tu­ring servi­ces offe­red by sili­con foun­dries like AMS, IHP, UMC, TSMC. ITE pro­fits suc­cess­ful coope­ra­tion and Euro­prac­tice mem­ber­ship up to now by sub­se­qu­ent advan­ced IC desi­gns being deve­lo­ped.

The Depart­ment of Inte­gra­ted Cir­cu­its and Sys­tems Design (ITE-Z09) is invo­lved in nume­rous rese­arch pro­jects, sup­por­ted by natio­nal (KBN, NCBR, NCN) and inter­na­tio­nal (FP5, FP6, FP7, H2020) funds.

The Depart­ment it is also open for R&D and com­mer­cial chal­len­ges dri­ven by SMEs or other com­pa­nies worl­dwide.

The main acti­vi­ties of the Depart­ment are, but not limit to:

  • Design of Appli­ca­tion Spe­ci­fic Inte­gra­ted Cir­cu­its (ASICs) – ana­log, digi­tal and mixed-signal. Pro­to­type of desi­gned cir­cuit can be manu­fac­tu­red in cost-effective way, by uni­que access to the MPW servi­ces of nume­rous sili­con foun­dries ava­ila­ble via Euro­prac­tice servi­ces for edu­ca­tio­nal or com­mer­cial pur­po­ses in frame of spe­ci­fic type legal agre­ement. This inc­lu­des also design of testing envi­ron­ment and measu­re­ments of deve­lo­ped ASIC
  • Design of elec­tro­nic sys­tems (com­plete elec­tro­nic devi­ces), based on modern micro­con­trol­lers, pro­gram­ma­ble logic and other com­po­nents ava­ila­ble. This inc­lu­des design of entire elec­tro­nic cir­cuit, embed­ded software deve­lop­ment and prin­ted cir­cuit boards (PCBs).
  • Imple­men­ta­tion of algo­ri­thms and con­trol struc­tu­res in pro­gram­ma­ble logic (FPGAs)
  • Design of measu­re­ment sys­tems basing on NI LabVIEW™ envi­ron­ment



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